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ysladmin 2024-06-09
aquariums_aquarium是什么意思       aquariums是一个非常复杂和重要的话题,需要深入研究和思考。我将尽力为您提供相关的信息和建议。1.英语作文题目My Dream Pet 要求本作文 字数200-2502.郑州


1.英语作文题目My Dream Pet 要求本作文 字数200-250






英语作文题目My Dream Pet 要求本作文 字数200-250

       Different people like keeping different pets. Some like dogs and others like cats or rabbits and birds. But I am different from many pet keepers. I like animals living under water since I was very young.

       I used to spend a lot time in the beaches where I used to live and walked out into the sea when the tide was receded looking for crabs, mussels and fish. But that was a long time ago,of course, those fish I caught, which couldn't be kept alive without a proper aquarium. As the matter of fact I couldn't afford it even if I knew where I could buy one.

       And now, tens of years later, my love for fish is still the same. And the good thing is, fish keeping is no longer too difficult for me. I can spend a lot of time with it and I have three large fish tanks (aquariums), of which, one is 220 litres, one is 300 litres and the largest one is 700 litres (actual usable capacity is 600litres). I only keep tropical fish, because I think that keeping marine fish is not just a lot more expensive but far more works required. I don't just keep fish in my fish tanks but I grow a lot of plants in them too, making them look like under water gardens. So, my fish are all very happy and healthy and they look extremely beautiful.

       I have been keeping fish for more than ten years now. And because my fish aquariums are all quite large, so I spend very little time looking after them, it is kind of a very easy job and almost work-free(actually no need for water change but add a little every other few weeks) and plenty of enjoyments.

       After a long day of hard work and come home sitting next to them watching my favourite fish swimming peacefully inside their tanks. There is nothing else in this world can make me feel more relax and enjoyable!




       Not everyone can swim with fish in the ocean. But they can enjoy underwater life in another way—by visiting an aquarium (水族馆).

       Experts do not really know when people began keeping fish as pets. But they say that people have been interested in fish for thousands of years. The ancient Sumerians (苏美尔人) were the first civilization to keep fish in ponds more than four thousand years ago. The Chinese kept and studied carp and goldfish more than one thousand years ago. The ancient Romans kept eels as pets. And the Greek philosopher Aristotle made what is believed to be the first known study of sea life, including sharks and dolphins.

       By the middle of the 19th century, science had shown that plants, fish and other sea creatures could survive together under water. Therefore, it was no longer necessary to change the water in a tank for fish to live there. This led to the building of the first public aquariums.

       The first aquarium opened in London in 1853. In the next fifteen years, other aquariums opened in Europe and the United States. By 1928, there were about forty-five public aquariums in the world. Today everyone still seems to be enthusiastic for undersea creatures and it is reported that millions of people visit aquariums in more than thirty countries every year.




       外文名称:Zhengzhou aquariums.














       马林(Marlin)是一只住在大堡礁的小丑鱼。很久以前,它的配偶珊瑚以及它们所产下来大多数的卵都在一场梭子鱼的攻击中被吃掉了。因此它变得非常的紧张、神经兮兮,且过度地保护它唯一的儿子:尼莫(Nemo)。尼莫的卵在那场攻击意外中经过碰撞,导致生下来的它右鳍异常的小,被称为它的“幸运鳍”,但也因为如此,马林更是担心尼莫的游泳能力。尼莫上学的第一天,它的老师鲼老师(Mr. Ray)带着它和其它学生们一起去校外教学。尼莫到了大堡礁的边缘以后,就和同学们大胆的冒险游离礁石区,游到了他们口中的"屁屁"——一艘人类的船底下,碰到了那艘船的底部。马林赶到以后非常的生气,但尼莫却在这个时候被一位潜水员给捉了去,潜水员还帮马林拍了一张照。潜水员将尼莫带上船以后就开船消失了。



       后来,马林和多莉又经历了一场冒险:它们被一只巨大的鲸鱼给吞了进去,但后来却借着鲸鱼呼吸的气体交换被“喷了出来”。被喷出来之后,它们就成功抵达了悉尼,差点被其中一只鹈鹕当成早餐,幸好因为噎到吐了出来,祖哥认出了它们,祖哥于是就将马林和多莉带到了牙医的办公室。不过,牙医却正好要将尼莫送给妲拉,而尼莫就装死,希望能够借此被冲到马桶而排放到大海中,可是牙一走进厕所,但他的举动阵惊了鱼群-他打算将它丢进垃圾桶!马林看到后,就以为尼莫真的死了。惊恐的马林拉了祖哥的蛇头让他飞进牙医的办公室,造成了一场混乱,吉哥于是趁机将尼莫 《海底总动员》剧照(26张)送进了漱口池的水管中,顺利的流向了大海。



       演职员表跑完后,还播放了一小段后传:后来鱼缸的自动滤水器也坏了,而尼莫当初丢进去的小石子于是就起了效用,鱼缸中的鱼儿们也就顺利的逃到了大海中,只不过它们却还被装在当初牙医使用的小塑胶袋中。最后,豚豚(Bloat)就说道:“现在呢?”("Now what?")。


       Ma Lin (Marlin) is a live in Great Barrier Reef clown fish. A long time ago, itsspouse Coral and their production down most of the eggs in a pike attackwas eaten. So it becomes very tense, nervous, and excessive protection itonly son: Nimmo (Nemo). Nemo eggs in the attack in the accident after the collision, resulting in born it right fin very small, known as the "lucky", butalso because of this, Ma Lin was even more worried Nemo swimming ability.Nemo's first day of school, the teacher ray teacher (Mr. Ray) took it andother students go off campus teaching. After nimodipine to the edge of Great Barrier Reef, and the students bold adventure free reef area, swim totheir mouth "fart" -- a human bottom, met the ship bottom. Ma Lin arrivedafter the very angry, but Nemo is at this time was a diver to catch up to, the divers also help Ma Lin took a picture. Divers will later Nemo brought aboard sailed away.

       Marin panic nervous swam out of the Great Barrier Reef, on the way to seek help. It had a quasi Acanthuridae a naive, optimistic personality hastransient amnesia: dolly (Dory). On the way to Finding Nemo, they met three"to be" Shark: Bruce (Bruce), An An (Anchor) and Shen (Chum), while Bruce took them to an abandoned ship. There, Ma Lin found the originalcatch goggles go nimodipine diver, and write the diver. After deep in the sea a thrilling journey, Dolly was successfully read out the frog mirrorwriting, so that divers place is located in Sydney australia. Then they met a group of cooking saury, they told Ma Lin to go to Sydney the fastest way is to take the East Australian current. They met a group of dangerous jellyfishand on the way to the East Australian current, in through the swarms ofjellyfish jellyfish attack while they were away, wake up lying on a namedturtle (Crush) of the green turtle, turtle shell and one of its peers. Ma Linwhere will it and dolly Finding Nemo along the way, adventure story toldsmall turtles, and the story after teach orally were also introduced into Sydney harbor for Pelican progenitor brother (Nigel) that.

       Catch Nemo diver -- dentist Hillman, will be back in Sydney he Nemo harborclinics in aquariums. There, Nemo meets in aquarium fish, and their leaderis a personality stubborn, named Ji brother (Gill) is a fish. Those fish hear the dentist to Nemo to his niece was very afraid, because Daala (Darla) lovekept swinging fish bag, gave her the fish often die an untimely on. Often afish tank, in part because see starfish small peach knock sang 'little star".Her brother was thought out a new plan to escape from the fish tank, is to allow Nemo drilling water filter, and with the small stones to block water filterpipe. Allowing a dentist had to fish them out, had to clean the tank. Nimmo then took the small stones into the water filter, but failed, and nearly lost hislife. But fathers brother (Nigel) came to tell again about it for his son in a vast expanse of water in the father's story, Nemo firmly with stones to try again, and success. However, the plan was for the dentist bought an automatic cleaning of the advanced water filter failed.

       Later, Ma Lin and Dolly was an adventure: they are a huge whale to swallowit, but by the whale breathing gas exchange is "spouted out". After beingsprayed out, they successfully arrived in Sydney, almost is one a pelican asbreakfast, but choked to spit it out, father brother recognized their fathersbrother, so will Ma Lin and dolly brought to the dentist's office. However, the dentist is just to Nemo to Daala, and nimodipine was dead, and hope to berushed to the toilet and discharged into the sea, but the tooth into the toilet,but his move surprised fish - he's going to throw it into the dustbin! After Ma Lin see, think Nemo really dead. Frightened Malinla Zu brother - let him fly into the dentist's office, resulting in a mess, Ji brother and took the opportunity to Nimmo "Finding Nemo" still (26 Zhang) to gargle pool water,smooth flow to the sea.

       Ma Lin felt very sad, decided to go home by himself. Dolly later met washedinto the sea of nimodipine, and in view of its transient amnesia, the dollydoesn't remember anything about Ma Lin, so he helps Nemo together to find that it doesn't remember "Ma Lin". Later, in the Sydney subsea sewerdolly saw "SYDNEY" and then returned to memory, and then help Nemofound its father. Ma Lin see it son safe and sound after to feel at ease, butsoon after, dolly and a group of fish is a fish net to get away. Nemo after telling his father it must let Nemo to fly, and got into the net, and dollytogether to help the fish from escaping from the net. Nimmo then took Jibrother teach it method: "try to swim down", the Ma Lin don't want him to do so, fearing failure and let Nimmo out, but Nimmo over Ma Lin's objections,succeeded in disrupting the nets.


       1. 非洲鲋鱼材料作文中心论点













2. 罗非鱼 英文介绍

        Tilapia fishTilapia is a termed used for cichlids fish of the genus Tilapia as well as a few other cichlids that not really are tilapia fish. The genus tilapia contains more than 100 species and is originally found in Africa and parts of the Middle East but can today be found in a number of other waters around the world. Tilapia fish are appreciated both as aquarium fish and as food fish. Tilapia as a food source has played a very important role in preventing hunger in some areas as thsi fish is easy to breed and can be a very wele source of protein in hungry struck areas. Many people hope that Tilapia fish can help end hunger and malnutrition around the world. This site is devoted both to tilapia as a food fish and to kepping tilapia fish in aquarium tanks. TilapiaTilapia has been farmed for food for over 2500 years. Tilapia farming was for a long time confined to the middle east and some parts of Africa but has in recent years bee a world wide industry with Asia and South and central American as large producers of Tilapia. Tilapia is an extremely suitable fish for farming due to the fact they are fast growing and very tolerant in regards to water conditions and are generally speaking very hardy fish. The Tilapia fish that are being farmed are mainly species that aren't true tilapias but rather from the group of fish that is called tilapia despite the fact that they in reality aren't. The most monly farmed Tilapia fish are found in the genus Oreochromis and Sarotherodon.Tilapia fish value as food fish has lead to them being introduced to a large amount of waters around the world and they have established themselves in even more areas by escaping from fish farms that were breeding tilapia. This has lead to a situation where you today can find tilapia in tropical waters around the world. Tilapia in AquariumTilapia fish are very easy to keep in aquarium tanks for the same reasons that make them suitable for farming. A wide variety of tilapia species are available in the aquarium trade as well as number of the species that are called Tilapia but. Are found in the genus Oreochromis and Sarotherodon. Some of the most popular species are Tilapia buttikoferi and Tilapia mariae (Tiger Tilapia)Tilapia cichlids are suitable for every how keeps aquariums regardless if you are a beginner or an advanced aquarium keeper. Tilapia fish can be kept in a long row of different aquarium setups depending on which species you choose to keep. You can find a tilapia species that suits almost any aquarium setup since there are both *** all and large species with various aggression levels. The only requirement to keep Tilapia in aquarium is that you have an aquarium of at least 40 gallon / 150 L. Larger tilapia species require larger aquarium tanks. Browse this site to find more information about how to keep and breed Tilapia fish in aquarium tanks. ====================Large-scale mercial culture of tilapia is limited almost exclusively to the culture of three species: Oreochromis niloticus, O. mossambica and O. aureus. Of the three tilapia species with recognized aquaculture potential, the Nile tilapia, O. niloticus, is by far the most monly used species in fish farming.Growout strategies for tilapia range from the simple to the very plex. Simple strategies are characterized by little control over water quality and food supply and by low fish yields. As greater control over water quality and fish nutrition are imposed, the production cost and fish yield per unit area increases. Across this spectrum, there is a progression from low to high management intensity.In traditio *** pond culture of tilapia, proper environmental conditions are maintained by balancing the inputs of feed with the natural assimilative capacity of the pond. The pond's natural biological productivity (algae, higher plants, zooplankton and bacteria) serves as a biological filter that converts the wastes through natural biological processes.Increasing stocking densities places increasing demands on the production system. Additional energy inputs in the form of labor, water exchange, aeration and feeds are all required to sustain the intensive system. As pond production intensifies and feed rates increase, supplemental aeration and some water exchange are required to maintain good water quality. For densities above 1.5-kg per square meter, aeration is usually required. There is a point where the incremental returns are not worthy of the additional inputs and risks. Increasing the intensity of the system does not necessarily reflect an increase in profitability.All tilapia production systems must provide a suitable environment to promote the growth of 。

3. 写事作文,不少于300字

        钓鱼,大家都知道.可是我钓鱼,却悟出了一个道理.悟出什么道理呢?就由我来说吧. 那天,我和爸爸去钓鱼,爸爸今天运气真好,鱼一条一条地上钩.而我呢,一条鱼都没有,连鱼影都没见到.我这边的鱼好象都去度假去了.时间一长我渐渐泄气了.爸爸叫我不要钓了.但我不想浪费最后一分钟.我坚持下去.这时我发现手有点震,鱼线一下拉直了了.我有一重感觉,鱼上沟了.而且还很大呢.于是,我沉着握着鱼杆.时机已到,我迅速拉杆.哇,我钓了一条15厘米的罗非鱼.虽然只有一条,但这条鱼比爸爸钓的鱼大两倍,我高兴地跳了起来. 在这次钓鱼,我悟出了一个道理,那就是坚持就是胜利.。

4. 罗非鱼的生活习性是怎样的


        体型侧扁,体被圆鳞,鳍较大,有硬棘和软棘,尾鳍后缘平截略呈弧形不分叉,体色因种类、环境及其生殖腺发育状况而有不同,有的体表和鳍上呈现黑色斑点或条纹,在繁殖期间体色变化较大。 罗非鱼原产于非洲,是热水性鱼类,共有100多种。




5. 冬天的荷塘 作文

        1冬 日 荷 塘 从季节的温差角度来说,南宁是没有冬的,这不,小雪已经过了,北方早已是雪花飘飘,而南宁依然是十几二十度的天气。







        池塘的另一角,一株美丽的睡莲静静地盛开着,圆圆的带齿型的叶子平铺在水面上,随着叶柄从根部向四周伸展,巧妙地组合成庞大的花朵般的形状,簇拥着紫红色的花朵,她孤芳自赏,象一位中世纪的贵妇,撒开宽大的裙摆,矜持地坐在宴会厅的一角,冷眼观望身边所发生的一切,一副任门前花开花落,任天外云卷云舒的模样. 池塘边的芒果树,似乎也想来加入池塘里的游戏,粗壮的杈枝拼命地压向水面,浓密的叶子就象一把巨大绿伞,遮盖了近三分之一的池塘。它们相互赖以生存,芒果树吸取了水分长得枝繁叶茂;;熟透了的果实落到水里成了鱼儿的美食;在南方长达大半年的艳阳天里,芒果树则为鱼儿营造了一片荫凉的天地。

        2谢去芬芳的花, 摘去脆甜的果, 落去遮蔽的叶, 褪去滴翠的色。 才显露出冬日荷塘的本色, 或立、或斜、或折、或躺。

        虽百无聊赖但也千姿百态, 虽惨淡凄凉但又孕育生机。


        才真正品得出沧桑! 3冬日荷塘记 □ 三木子 2004-11-27 04:43 收藏:0 回复:0 点击:592 你久久地坐着。 北风呼叫着。


        你坐在荷塘的边缘,不知时间,不知寒冷,更不知何时,那冰冷的心已随哪一股寒风而去。 荷塘已经结冰,冰面全无生机。



        寒风中,你的灵魂又一次飞走。枯黄的荷与你的骨骼一道发出欲碎的脆响,行将炸裂…… 你觉得是了,那棕黄枯萎下塌的叶子应该是你灵魂安息的坟墓,你在那里吟诗,在那里栖息,在那里躲避天堂的风雨。

        你看到,荷塘是一片墓场,无数盛满灵魂的小坟在那里堆积着,每一个灵魂都在那里,在寒风的伴奏下,歌唱死亡。 4静思---冬日的荷塘 心情: 天气: 点燃一支烟 让音乐轻轻随风 烦燥的心仿佛恢复于平静 ? 接受雨的冲刷 抛开所有的杂想与念怀 抽离世俗的一切 眼前苍凉的荷塘 仿佛也逐渐变成往日的翠绿 或许要告诫自己 象曾经月色下骄傲的莲 虽有出淤泥而不染的意境 冬日无情的摧残下 虽曾青绿的荷叶 也不得不低下曾经高昂的头 还要走多远 多远才能到 感觉能触摸的瞬间 一切又是冰封或瓦解 难道就只能 也只能是走近到如此的距离 不断地向往 不断接受洗礼的我的心 一直都在聆听 聆听那悠远的爱的音符 烦琐的现实又是如此的深奥 用一颗诚挚热切的心 去感受和体会对于"人生"两字的哲思。

        我找的够多了吧 给分喽~~。

6. 童话老人与鱼的故事



        这一切,《鱼钩上的万峰湖》会告诉你,万峰湖的鱼儿,也会告诉你。 童话万峰湖 上世纪九十年代,国电在南盘江上一个叫天生桥的地方,筑起高坝落闸蓄水,一夜之间高原出平湖,水岸线两千多公里,这里摇身一变,成为全国著名的五大淡水湖之一。

        上百万装机的天生桥坝后电站,使沉睡多年的黔桂山川的心脏,砰然搏动起来,新编了一个罕世的童话故事! 昌武书中的故事,大抵分两个部分,一部分是历史故事,具有传奇色彩。一部分是作者在万峰湖钓出的真实故事,让人如临其境。

        历史故事,主要归集在《也许你会不相信》一辑中,故事起伏跌宕,妙趣横生,引人入胜。 历史故事的核心内容,其实是人与鱼的故事。


        本书所叙述的,都是人与鱼妙趣横生的缠绵故事。 《长在山上的鱼》描写人类从历史的岩层,钓出了远古的龙鱼、贵州鳕、弓鳍鱼、兴义飞鱼等鱼化石,惊现沧海桑田,鱼人变迁;在《夜郎人的鱼钩》中,展示出两千年前的“鱼钩模具”,可见人与鱼这对冤家的漫长历史;从《鱼坝擒虎》可见古人设置篱笆陷阱,打着火把,举起菜刀砍鱼的情景;于《懒杆》中,会看到如是壮景:“远远看去,绿树掩映之下,长长的一排鱼竿,挂着活蹦乱跳的鱼,真不失为一道难得的风景”;《秤钩创造的记录》中渔人王应宽用秤钩钓鱼:“有一群大鱼在活动,那阵势,像一群受不了酷热的水牛,在水塘里打滚……”;此外,还有身上挂着七枚鱼钩的《鱼中豪杰》,有《脱钩的大鱼》中落水洞“神鱼”等,都富于童话色彩。

        磁性渔场 另一类,是昌武在万峰湖畔,亲身钓出的真实故事。 作为报人和作家的昌武,本来很忙,但万峰湖好像一个电磁场具有引力,使他来电,仿佛自己就是一尾电鳐。

        我曾是一个钓者,昌武笔下一个个“上鱼”的故事,是那样真实诱人、富有磁性,无数次引起共鸣,我感觉到体内那台发电机狂跳不已。 上海钓友尚上钩,被源自非洲尼罗河的罗非鱼诱惑,他丢掉生意、不远千里而来,来回奔跑遛鱼的那种手感,让他难忘:“记得第一次钓到大罗非鱼的那种感觉,和初恋时第一次约会女友的感觉一样,神秘紧张,又充满期待。”




        此外,老鱼鹰与小鱼叉的故事同样精彩,他们因鱼钩“打架”结缘,于是杀猪钓鱼,一起睡坟坑,被灭蚊灵毒害,两人还有救命之情。 还有,去珠江源放生的南国渔翁,爱吸水烟筒的钓鱼不吊二,钓鱼中毒上瘾的春城渔夫,他们的故事也充满磁性;还有,因背着渔包,不慎落湖丧生的打鱼郎,被鱼线缠手,被大鱼拖下湖中丧命的王小鱼的故事,令人悲痛、遗憾。

        哲学的鱼儿 从《鱼钩上的万峰湖》中,我不仅看到了海竿、手竿,看到抛竿、遛鱼、起鱼,还在鱼护中看到青鱼、罗非鱼、胡子鱼、猪嘴鱼、芝麻剑、翘嘴红鮊等诸多鱼类,看到万峰湖就是一个博鱼馆。我还读到了历史的、文化的万峰湖:徐霞客《盘江考》的足迹依稀可见,《三国演义》连续剧七擒孟获在此曾经留影,被称为“东方踢踏舞”的彝族舞蹈曾在岸边起舞,被称为“音乐活化石”的八音坐唱曾在湖畔上演。


        钓者应遵守起码的钓鱼准则,如爱护野钓环境,钓到小鱼要放生,钓不到鱼儿不要骂人,不要在湖中拉屎拉尿等。 昌武在文章中抛出一连串排钩,带来思辩:人钓的到底是什么?是人在钓鱼,还是鱼在钓人,到底是谁钓了谁?钓鱼要喂塘子,要付出鱼饵,超前列支,这也许是“互为钓者,相互渔利”的道理。



7. 我是一只鱼3作文


8. 写作文介绍黄西的开头











        endostracum-endostraca 壳,内层

        caecum-caeca 盲肠

        vademecum-vademeca 随身物品,手册,袖珍指南

        memorandum-memoranda/memorandums 备忘录,(契约等条文的)节略,便签,便函

        notandum-notanda/notandums (拟)记录的事物,备忘录

        addendum-addenda/addendums 补遗,附录,附加物

        pudendum-pudenda 阴部(尤指女性的)

        corrigendum-corrigenda 应改正的错误,正误表,勘误表

        definiendum-definienda 被下定义的词

        referendum-referenda/referendums (关于政治措施、法律等的)公民投票,公民投票权,复决权

        propylaeum-proprylaea (神殿等的)入口

        peritonaeum-peritonaea 腹膜

        gynaeceum- gynaecea (古希腊、罗马的)闺房,女眷内室,雄蕊群

        odeum-odea/odeums (古希腊、罗马)奏乐厅,音乐厅,剧场

        oleum-olea 油

        oleum-oleums 发烟硫酸

        mausoleum-mausolea/mausoleums 陵墓,大而阴森的房屋(或房间)

        calcaneum-calcanea 跟骨,空凹足

        succedaneum-succedanea 代替人,代用品,替代物

        perineum-perinea 会阴

        periosteum-periostea 骨膜

        labium-labia 阴唇,(昆虫的)下唇,下唇瓣

        rhizobium-rhizobia 根瘤细菌属,任何一种根瘤细菌

        paramecium-paramecia 草履虫

        gynoecium-gynoecia 雌蕊群


        palladium-palladia 护卫,保障,雅典娜的神像

        stadium-stadia/stadiums 露天大型运动场,赛跑运动场,龄期

        medium-media/mediums 中间人,媒介物,传导体,手段,工具

        intermedium-intermedia/intermediums 中间体,媒介物

        ascidium-ascidia (植物的)瓶状体

        nephridium-nephridia 肾,肾管

        praesidium-praesidia/praesidiums 主席团,常务委员会

        ommatidium-ommatidia/ommatidium (昆虫的)小眼

        pyxidium-pyxidia 盖果

        antependium-antependia/antependiums (教堂圣坛前的)帷幔,屏布

        compendium-compendia/compendiums 摘要,纲要,概要

        minifundium-minifundia 小庄园,小领地,小地产

        latifundium-latifundia 打庄园,大领地,大地产

        plasmodium-plasmodia 变形体,原质团,疟原虫

        podium-podia/podiums 墩座墙,乐队指挥台,交通指挥台

        pseudopodium-pseudopodia (动物的)伪足,(苔藓的)假蒴柄

        epicardium-epicardia 心外膜,心包脏层

        pericardium-pericardia 心包

        precordium-precordia 心前区

        primordium-primordia 原基

        exordium-exordia/exordiums (讲话、论文等的)开端,序言,绪论

        patagium-patagia 翅膜,(鳞翅目昆虫的)领片

        contagium-contagia 接触传染物

        florilegium-florilegia 选集,作品集锦,花谱,群芳谱

        sporangium-sporangia 孢子囊,(苔藓植物的)孢蒴

        horologium-horologia 钟表,时钟座

        brachium-brachia 耾,上臂

        ischium-ischia 做骨,坐节,(昆虫的)侧板

        mycelium-mycelia 菌丝体

        epithelium-epithelia/epitheliums 上皮,皮膜

        endothelium-endothelia 内皮,内种皮

        mesothelium-mesothelia 间皮

        ilium-ilia 髂骨,肠骨

        milium-milia 粟粒疹,粟丘疹

        prothallium-prothallia 原叶体

        pallium-pallia/palliums 大披肩,(昆虫的)隔膜,大脑皮层,大脑皮质

        penicillium-penicillia/penicilliums 青霉菌,毛丛

        scholium-scholia/scholiums (古典文学的)页旁注解,附注,例证

        encomium-encomia/encomiums 赞扬,推崇,赞词,颂词

        cranium-crania/craniums 头盖,头盖骨,脑壳

        pericranium-pericrania 颅骨膜,头盖骨,头颅

        osteocranium-osteocrania 骨颅

        chondrocranium-chondrocrania 软骨颅

        proscenium-proscenium 舞台前部,(泛指)前部,显著地位

        tirocinium-tirocinia 学徒期限,学徒身份,技艺初步,技艺入门

        triclinium-triclinia (古罗马)环绕在桌面的躺椅

        pollinium-pollinia 花粉块

        decennium-decennia 十年

        biennium-biennia 两年

        triennium-triennia 三年

        millennium-millennia/millenniums 一千年,太平盛世,想像中的黄金时期

        quinquennium-quinquennia/quinquenniums 五年

        syconium-syconia 隐头花序

        carpogonium-carpogonia 果胞

        sporogonium-sporogonia 孢原细胞

        spermatogonium-spermatogonia 精原细胞

        principium-principia 原理,原则,基础

        marsupium-marsupia 育儿袋,卵袋

        syllabarium-syllabaria 音节表,字音表

        columbarium-columbaria 骨灰盒安置所,放骨灰盒的壁龛,鸽棚

        herbarium-herbaria 植物标本集,植物标本室,植物标本盒

        solarium-solaria 日光浴室,日光治疗室

        cinerarium-cineraria 骨灰盒存放所

        honorarium-honoraria/honorariums 酬金,谢礼

        insectarium-insectaria 养虫室

        planetarium-planetaria/planetariums 太阳系仪,天象仪,天文馆

        termitarium-termitaria 白蚁巢

        armamentarium-armamentaria/armamentariums 一套设备

        serpentarium-serpentaria/serpentariums 蛇类展览馆

        aquarium-aquaria/aquariums 养鱼缸,水族馆,水族槽

        vivarium-vivaria 动物(或植物)园

        equilibrium-equilibria/equilibriums 平衡,均衡,平均,相称

        disequilibrium-disequilibria/disequilibriums 失去平衡,不均衡

        perichondrium-perichondria 软骨膜

        imperium-imperia 最高权力,绝对统治,管辖,执法权,主权

        bacterium-bacteria 细菌

        delirium-deliria/deliriums 说胡话,极度兴奋,发狂

        corium-coria 真皮

        triforium-triforia 教堂拱门上面的拱廊

        anticlinorium-anticlinoria 复背斜

        synclinorium-synclinoria 复向斜

        emporium-emporia/emporiums 商场,商业中心,大百货商店

        sensorium-sensoria/sensorium 感觉中枢

        sudatorium-sudatoria/sudatoriums 热气浴室,热气浴

        crematorium-crematoria/crematoriums 焚尸炉,火葬场

        fumatorium-fumatoria/fumatoriums 密封熏蒸室,熏蒸

        sanatorium-sanatoria/sanatoriums 疗养院,休养地

        moratorium-moratoria/moratoriums (依法给欠款人的)延期偿还权,(欠款的)延续偿还期

        natatorium-natatoria/natatoriums 游泳池(尤指室内游泳池)

        auditorium-auditoria 听众席,观众席,旁听席,讲堂,礼堂

        lubritorium-lubritoria 机动车润滑油加油站

        atrium-atria/atriums (古罗马建筑物的)中庭,正厅,门廊,心房

        epigastrium-epigastria 腹上部,第一膜片

        hypogastrium-hypogastria 腹下部,下腹

        mesogastrium-mesogastria 中腹部,(胚胎的)骨系膜

        gymnasium-gymnasia/gymnasiums 体育馆,健身房,大学预科

        symposium-symposia/symposiums 酒会,座谈会,专题讨论会,专题论文集

        epimysium-epimysia 肌外膜

        endomysium-endomysia 肌内膜,肌纤维衣

        solatium-solatia 赔偿费

        cymatium-cymatia 反曲线状,拱顶花边,波状花边

        consortium-consortia 财团,联合企业,合作,合伙

        ostium-ostia 口,门,孔

        syncytium-syncytia 合胞体

        colloquium-colloquia/colloquiums (学术)讨论会,学术报告

        effluvium-effluvia/efflviums (臭气、液体的)散发,放出,恶臭气,无声放电

        diluvium-diluvia/diluviums 洪积层,洪积流

        alluvium-alluvia/alluviums 冲积层

        compluvium-compluvia 房顶洞

        trapezium-trapezia 梯形,不规则四边形,大多角骨

        velum-vela 帆(尤指软腭),膜,缘膜,菌幕

        filum-fila 丝

        hilum-hila 脐,核,粒心

        vallum-valla/vallums (古罗马的)壁垒,垒墙

        labellum-labella (植物的)唇瓣

        flabellum-flabella (身体上)呈扇形的器官(或部分)

        cerebellum-cerebella 小脑

        flagellum-flagella/flagellums 鞭毛,鞭状体,(昆虫触角的)鞭节,鞭子

        clitellum-clitella 环带,生殖带

        scutellum-scutella 小盾片,胚鳞

        spirillum-sprilla 螺旋菌
